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Freedom Wealth & Impact (FWI) Challenge 2024

The Freedom Wealth and Impact (FWI) Challenge is back, and we’re saying a big, bold and resounding NO to being broke! Hear us loud and clear – the word “broke” has no place in our vocabulary anymore. It’s time to take charge of our finances and commit to a life of financial stability. I am Lorna Mutegi, Lead Coach at  Sunergos Africa, which is a Training, Coaching, Strategy and Business Process Reengineering Centre that offers meaningful, practical and impactful programs & solutions. We provide tailor-made programs & services to African owned businesses and we do that by enhancing your business’ productivity and efficiency. Ultimately, we transform your ordinary business operation into a profitable Kingdom business.

What Is The FWI Challenge?

The Freedom Wealth and Impact Challenge was born out of the realization that to attain true freedom, wealth, and impact, one must make certain decisions and take specific actions. For many of us, to get up and begin working or complete the tasks that will get you to achieving your desired can be daunting and the idea only lives in your head. With the FWI challenge, we get you to map put and begin taking the necessary steps to achieve your goals within a specific timeframe. No more than 2 weeks!!

You have no choice but to get up and get it done. The challenge period requires your attention, intentionality and conviction. By the end of the challenge you won’t believe the results.
Every year, Sunergos Africa puts together a challenge that is well known to be a hurdle for many, and we get together and get the challenge done!!

Why You Should Attain FWI In Your Life

“Freedom, Wealth, and Impact are the tools that God uses to propel you towards success and enable you to make a positive impact in the world. He sets you up in a way that people wonder how you achieved it. And all He wants you to do is share your testimony and say, “Through the grace and love of my Almighty Father!” Would you like me to show you how?

What Is The Challenge This Year?

In this Challenge, we are saying a big, bold and resounding NO to being broke!

So What Will I Get Out Of The Challenge?

  • Learn financial planning and goal setting based on God’s principles.
  • You will create a practical & effective plan to reach your life and particularly your wealth goals.
  • Create a surplus with your current income and pay off debt quickly.
  • Identify and gain insight into investment opportunities to consider in 2024.
  • Discover how to identify the right opportunities for you.

“And guess what! We have a bonus for you! During the next two weeks, we will ALSO help you lay out your life’s goals in a structured way and assist you in creating a step-by-step plan to achieve those goals. With your goals clearly defined, you can create a solid personal finance plan that will help you achieve your goals. It’s all about taking action that will generate income & increase revenue confidently bringing you closer to achieving your financial goals.

Are You Up For The Challenge?

If you’re ready to take on this challenge, click on the link below and sign up now. With a payment of just KES 4,000 or US$ 32, you’ll receive a welcome message with your next steps. Don’t wait any longer to prove your mettle! Ready, steady and hello increase!